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PSA: Don’t microwave your iPhone


You may have seen those images and videos (like the one above) floating around the web in the past few days advertising a new “Wave” feature for iOS 8 that claims to allow you to recharge your battery by microwaving your iPhone for a full minute.

Yeah, don’t do that. Like, ever. It’s dangerous for your iPhone and your health.

Any videos you might see of someone actually managing to charge their iPhone (rather than completely destroying it) in a microwave are fake. The hoax isn’t even that new. Here’s a video from last year of a guy pretending to microwave his phone.


Charging your iPhone the right way isn’t that expensive and you can cut the time it takes to do so significantly using the right cable (no, it still won’t happen in one minute).

You wouldn’t microwave a fork. You wouldn’t microwave a handbag. Don’t microwave an iPhone.