Search Results for brightcove

For "brightcove"
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Apple passes Google's market cap

Apple has had quite an impressive past few years.  Even as the overall US economy has slowed, Apple keeps delivering hit after hit (MobileMe notwithstanding).  Today’s news is that Apple’s market cap has passed Google’s, the  Internet titan that emerged in the late 90s and grabbed up the majority of the search and related Internet ad market.  Apple, this year, has also passed IBM (only to get passed back by Big Blue), Citigroup, and HP.

The big target out there off of Apple’s bow is Microsoft, valued currently at over a quarter of a trillion dollars and a 60% premium over Apple’s  value.  However, with Vista floundering and a blown deal for Yahoo! we’d say it isn’t impossible that Apple could catch its long time rival in the next few years.

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Mossberg gives MobileMe a dreaded "can't recommend"

Walt Mossberg, who often borders on fanboy in his reviews on Apple’s products, gave a dreaded thumbs down to Apple’s MobileMe service.  MobileMe, which has had un-Apple-like hiccups and false starts has put a dent in Apple’s brand veneer.  Honestly, we’d like to see Apple get some help from Google in this area….it obviously isn’t Apple’s stong point.

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3G iPhone reviewed, nothing learned

NYTimes (Pogue), WSJ (Mossberg) and USAToday (Baig) all got their mitts on the 3G iPhone.   Amazingly, not one of them had anything original to say.  Nothing you couldn’t make up by looking at the specs or images of the iPhone and postulate.  Just FYI, we’d have had those screws off and been digging around the guts within 30 seconds of recieving the device…but maybe thats why we have to wait like all of you schmucks too.

Baig’s insights:

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Does Apple have a Steve Jobs succession plan?

 Can Apple survive without Steve Jobs?

Apple’s co-founder is arguably the most innovative and succesful turnaround artist and tech visionary in Silicon Valley, and rumours of illness following his appearance at WWDC last week saw dollars knocked off of Apple’s share price.

With a recent report claiming Apple’s iconic designer, Jonathan Ive, has purchased a mansion in the UK, and continued jitters at the health of the Apple CEO, company-watchers are beginning to ask if Apple has a succession strategy in place. The question is, if Jobs (or Ive, come to that) were to leave Apple, does the company already have the kind of visionary leader it requires to manage the consequences of the loss of their DNA?

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Former Broadcom GM Mobile Platforms says we’ll see 802.11ac on PCs and access points later this year

[brightcove vid=1445684076001&exp3=71011229001&surl=,AAAAEIcUavk~,5JSLa7YkmQdRK75HNEMSqiKwfBu4LLqK&lbu=] Giving a talk at Gerson Lehrman Group’s G+ community, the former EVP & FM of Mobile Platforms at…

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Syria documentary filmed entirely on iPhone

[brightcove vid=1501830145001&exp3=664965303001&surl=,AAAAmtVJIFk~,TVGOQ5ZTwJZbyLu770YWZ_LE4OaoU5Nv&lbu=] reports: “Syria: Songs of Defiance” is a film that “follows the journalist, who is not named to protect…

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Woz poo-poos Siri as Poo Poo [Video]

[brightcove vid=1687701447001&exp3=67396880001&surl=,AAAAAC3ncfg~,-fW2xLU5yrFO138HQzUPP0eK_R8GqbsA&w=486&h=412] Steve Wozniak traveled to upstate New York recently to visit a farm of rescued horses, and the local…

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President Obama gets his iPads before you do

[brightcove vid=1197914933001&exp3=635367679001&surl=,AAAAACpvMpk~,rAvHhAS7JOpa4tlt0CXVebDvGzQCdYY2&w=650&h=400] Specifically, he said: “Steve Jobs actually gave it to me, a little bit early. Yeah, it was cool….