Search Results for phil schiller

For "phil schiller"
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Front facing camera in WWDC presentation iphone?

Gizmodo points us to an interesting little video shot of Phil Schiller’s iPhone during the WWDC keynote. It looks like there is a camera in the upper left hand corner, right?  Obviously lots of journalists have got their hands on real 3G iPhones so it may just be a finger smudge.  However, it is hard to argue with the video – it does look like there is something there.   Maybe Steve’s "one more thing" will come in a few weeks?

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Apple keynote bloopers

 It’s a fairly slow day today, so while you wait we thought we’d offer another re-run, here it is, the ever-popular ‘Apple Keynote Bloopers!!”

Laugh as Apple CEO Steve Jobs throws his non-functioning digital camera at a hapless Apple employee, share the pain as Phil Schiller waits and waits and waits for a game demo to start…

Anyway, you get the drift, enjoy. 
