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Apple doesn't want to be a successful business?

Very good post at Computerworld from Mike Elgan about Apple, though I’d venture that a lot of you already know this:

Tech watchers love the horse race aspect of technology industry competition. Apple competes with Microsoft. Apple competes with Google. Apple competes with companies like HP. But Apple doesn’t see it that way.

Industry titans like Microsoft, Google and HP instinctively “fill out” their product lines to dominate huge areas of technology. Microsoft, for example, wants Microsoft software running on wristwatches, supercomputers and everything in between. Google wants to offer every conceivable service that can be squeezed through an internet connection. HP’s massive product line runs the gamut from consumer digital cameras sold at Best Buy to entire data centers filled with enterprise systems.

Apple doesn’t want to dominate like this. It has no interest in this kind of imperialist expansion. Apple is interested only in surgical strikes into this business or that product category, where they can solve design problems others have failed to solve.

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates went on a double date?


That mental image isn’t making our holiday any better.  HuffPo says that two of the most powerful men in the world once shared a double date.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, two titans of tech, have been friends, competitors, and colleagues. They’ve even gone on double-dates.

Is that plural?  Who were the ‘lucky’ ladies? Was this a deleted scene of Pirates of Silicon Valley?   Anyone have any backstory on this one?