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iPad 10

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iPad Pro clone at iPad 10 price: Is OnePlus Pad tempting with these features?

iPad Pro clone iPad 10 price OnePlus Pad

The latest Android tablet is here with the OnePlus Pad pre-orders now open. With strong iPad Pro clone vibes at an entry-level iPad 10 price, it’s clear the company knows it not only needs to win against Android competitors but also get iPad users to switch. Here’s what the device includes to try and make that happen.

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10th-gen iPad reviews: A long-awaited update, but maybe not the best buy

10th-gen iPad reviews

iPad reviews have landed for Apple’s 10th-generation entry-level model, and they are somewhat mixed. The main feeling is that the price means the new model sits somewhat uncomfortably between the 9th generation – which Apple still sells – and the iPad Air.

Whether it’s worth the money is something on which reviewers don’t agree, some saying that this is the new default iPad, while others think you should go for the older model or the Air, depending on the features you want …

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