Search Results for walt Mossberg

For "walt Mossberg"
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Microsoft Apple envy apparant from insider e-mails

Computerworld’s Gregg Kaiser, exposes some of the behind the scenes emails going on around the Vista marketing campaign at Microsoft.  Microsoft was already preoccupied with the Mac’s reputation and how, in particular, Walt Mossberg had been singing its praises:

"You won’t have to worry about Vista if you buy one of Apple Computer’s Macintosh computers, which don’t run Windows," Mossberg had written. "Every mainstream consumer doing typical tasks should consider the Mac. Its operating system, called Tiger [at that time, the most-current Mac OS X — Ed.], is better and more secure than Windows XP, and already contains most of the key features promised for Vista."

Warrier added his own comment. "A premium experience as defined by Walt = Apple. This is why we need to address [the column]."

That got an almost-immediate rise out of Russell, who acknowledged that Microsoft had not done its job in promoting Windows Vista. "My takeaway from Walt’s article is that we have failed to communicate Vista’s value," Russell said in an e-mail reply sent just 20 minutes after Warrier fired off his.

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Mossberg gives MobileMe a dreaded "can't recommend"

Walt Mossberg, who often borders on fanboy in his reviews on Apple’s products, gave a dreaded thumbs down to Apple’s MobileMe service.  MobileMe, which has had un-Apple-like hiccups and false starts has put a dent in Apple’s brand veneer.  Honestly, we’d like to see Apple get some help from Google in this area….it obviously isn’t Apple’s stong point.